Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection #50

Good morning everyone...

Lets start this morning with an update...YES. Jackie survived and is alive and well. She slept...A BUNCH...but is up and after it this morning. I think she is gonna mow the yard today.

It is the weekend and I am looking forward to enjoying weekend stuff. In this particular case that means doing nothing. I seem to have been struck by a large case of the LAZY'S.

Alex Cat has finally started to become one of the family. He has been so friendly (with Jackie) and has even gotten up in the chair, beside of me, to be petted. Josie Cat is so jealous. There have been some cat fights.

Another note for those of you that might be interested. Kenny G. is still kicking. He was at the house for dinner this week. Served him "vacation fish." He keeps telling me to say hi to all of those that matter.

Here you go, Ginger...

Growing up as a kid, I learned all about capitalism through the board game Monopoly. I mean, what better way to teach a young mind the way our economy functions.

I loved this game and still do. Only now, as an adult I have some questions that remain unanswered.

For instance, if I have all this money and own all this real estate...why am I still driving around in a thimble?

Well, until the next time...please remember that I have to pay the bills

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