Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection #48

Good morning everyone...

Good old saturday...I have missed you all week long.

This morning's coffee tastes especially good. I think it is my body wanting an increase in the caffeine dose. I am happy to indulge.

This morning I want to talk about "pulling together." Has there ever been a time when your life seemed to settle into that fantastically wonderful routine?
You know, the one where everything has pulled together and you look forward to getting up the next morning. Mine has. I love it. Life is just good.

Sometime this next week I want to go fishing at Lock#27. I haven't spent enough time there this year. The fish miss me.

Trout fishing season is almost upon us. I am looking forward to it. I might just have to hit the fish monger downtown and get some fresh trout. I am in the mood.

Lastly, Bill and of luck. Your contributions and presence will surely be missed by all of those you have worked with...and I suppose I should say...Congrats on the new job.

Here you go, Ginger

A Yuppie was sent a ransom note saying that he was to bring $50,000 to the 17th hole of the country club at 10 o'clock the next day if he ever wanted to see his wife alive again.

He didn't arrive until almost 12:30. A masked man stepped out from behind some bushes and growled, "What the hell took ya so long ? You're over two hours late."

"Hey ! Give me a break." whined the Yuppie. "I have a 27 handicap."

Well, until the next time...please remember that I have to pay the bills

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