Saturday, June 27, 2009

Divorce Update

I spoke with my attorney and have the update that everyone is asking about. In the state of Kentucky there is an action that can be filed in court that grants an immediate divorce and allows the other issues to be settled later. That is what was done. The property settlement will be next month. Yes, it is absolutely official...I am DIVORCED.

Until the next time please remember that I have to pay the bills

Friday, June 26, 2009


This evening I received a text from (apparently) my dear sweet wonderful EX-WIFE (observe that "the soon to be" part was not entered). She simply stated "we're divorced." Since it was late in the day I was unable to contact my attorney. I did speak with the secretary and she had no knowledge of this happening (in her defense she only worked half a day today). I made contact with the Boyd county Clerk of Courts. It is OFFICIAL....I am DIVORCED. I still don't know what the property settlement is since I was not deposed and wasn't invited to the party. I hope my attorney was in on it and I got a fair shake. Guess I will just wait and see. Imagine that.

Until the next time...Please remember that I have to pay the bills.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Today is the day for Lexington,KY. I am looking forward to getting this over with. After we get done with business there is going to be a trip to the Mongolian Grill (thanks Travis). I have never been there but I hear its good.

I hope everyone will forgive my mood...its less than 2 weeks before I start vacation. Absolutely ready not to be working for a while. Well, until the next time...please remember that I have to pay the bills

Friday, June 19, 2009


Tonight will be a fun night. It will be a night at the Funny Bone comedy club in beautiful downtown Huntington WV. Everytime I have gone it has been very good. Usually it is made better by a glass or two wine. I am sure that I will try at least one this evening.

The divorce court date has been moved to 30July2009. I will be glad to get past this. It is well past 3am (for those of you that know what that refers to).

The house is coming along just fine. I will be starting to paint very soon. Looking forward to getting that over also.

Summer is upon us and the heat is almost miserable. I am hoping to get some fishing done on Saturday. Looks like the weather may just hold out for me. Also my upcoming trip to Lexington. Sure hope I live thru it....

Well, until the next time...please remember that I have to pay the bills

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cat Bacon

This morning while fixing breakfast I discovered that my cat does not prefer Kroger brand bacon. When I went to the store I bought the less expensive Kroger brand. When I fixed it the cat only ate a few bites and walked away...did I forget to mention she meowed at me and gave a few indignant flips of her tail. My daughter said it wasn't as good as usual, also. I suppose I have learned my lesson.

Today may be the day that I head out fishing. Seems like a good thing to do for a Sunday. Might even talk Kenny into going. well, until the next time..

Please remember that I have to pay the bills

Friday, June 12, 2009

A New Day

Thank goodness this day is drawing to a close. The day has been hectic. Work was filled with unhappy customers. The ***** **** had several ********** that had to be filed...and I discovered another ********** that is a LIAR. I will of course be filing an UNFAIR ***** PRACTICE against this particular ******* *****.

The rest of my day has been good. Dinner Wine My Daughter is here. All is well.

I want to put a plug in for INBOX DOLLARS. Again, I have received a check from them. The link is on this page.

Until the next time...Please remember that I have to pay the bills.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Singing Birds

This morning I can hear the birds singing. They seem to be calling for the rain to stop. I can hear the rain on my metal roof. It is a very pleasant sound to drink my coffee to. I will be filing first step grievances at work today. No, not for me...for some other people. Until I started working with the Union I didn't realize how hard it was for some managers to comply with rules. Now, I see exactly how out of control some managers are. Well, until the next time...Please remember that I have to pay the bills.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm up

Wow...another fun filled weekend has come to a close. There are many surprises in store for the people around me. I have discovered some very interesting facts and have just kept them to myself. Just like I was told...You aren't really as stupid as get the idea.

This week holds the promise of getting a little more done around the house. I expect to crack open the paint cans this week. God knows I hate to paint. I will be accepting volunteers.

Until the next time...please remember that I have to pay the bills