Wednesday, February 13, 2008


My mailbox overflows with people wanting to give me free stuff. There are so many sites that just want to send me free stuff that I can hardly understnad how the economy functions. There is so much free stuff that I start to think about the "real cost."

The real cost, to me, is the loss of my privacy. Should I opt in for an offer the site has access to my name and my email address. I try to make sure that I only opt in with reputable companies that will protect my information and not sell it to anyone else, otherwise my personal information becomes a sellable item. The site makes money selling my address (both off line and on) then sends me a cheaply made mouse pad. There are lots of "things" you can get for free. Toys, candy, catalogs, t-shirts.... the list goes on and on.

There are sites across the internet that claim to have that claim to have the "best" free stuff listing's ever. An individual would have to decide for themselves which is best, because not everyone wants a free mouse pad or even a t-shirt.

Then there are the survey sites. They will all sign you up for free. The problem is seperating the wheat from the chaff. Which survey sights actually pay and which sites have real surveys. The answer to those questions can be found by researching on the internet. You can spend your time looking thru search after search and sifting the better sites out, or you can pay someone else to do that.

I am referring to those sites where you can purchase the list of "free" survey sites. Purchase the list,sign up, complete the surveys, and get paid.

My thoughts on the whole matter is that it is up to the individual if they want free survey's, free credit card applications, or free anything. The best way to find the free stuff is research, research, and research.

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