Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sitting around the office

I was sitting around the office (Yes, I have a dayjob), and was just dreaming about my internet prospects. Being relatively new, I am still searching for the right combination of advertising and Web Site Design. Thus far, I have been lucky with finding ways to drive traffic to my sites and blogs. I have dabbled in some other on line ventures...CREDIT CARDS and SURVEYS. Both have been very good to me. I have also looked into MYSTERY SHOPPING. My Wife (she requires to be called "she who shall remain nameless") and I have mystery shopped for several years and found that there is some money to be made. Please note that I will be developing a list of Mystery Shopping companies that you can purchase from me. I will take the time to put the list together and for a very small fee I will sell it to you. The List is still being built, but all good things take time. Anyone who wants an early preview just email me...

Anyway, sitting around the office I was talking to some co-workers about payday and it seems as if everyone was unhappy with the money they are making. I said if you aren't happy then do something about it. I also told them that there are many, many on line biz ops. Almost everyone looked surprised at me and the general consensus was that everything "on line" is a scam. I got up on my soapbox and talked about how opportunity is what you make it. I believe that with perserverance and research (and a little good sense) that a wonderful life can be earned on line. several co-workers will be looking at my offerings tonight.

Just as an afterthough, my sister is following my plan and is beginning to see something from the fruits of her labor. Good luck to all and...

remember that I still have to pay the bills.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Favorite Survey Sites

I have been looking all around the Internet at the SURVEY SITES and there are just bunches available. Obviously, I didn’t sign up for all of them. I didn’t even look at all of them. That would be like trying to take advantage of the multitude of home based internet business opportunities that are available.

I have discovered that You can spend a tremendous amount of time searching out the survey spots. Please understand, there is money to be made. You just have to decide which sites you want to use and then trust to luck that those are the best sites.

There is another idea. You can simply buy the list from one of the providers of such lists. In case you hadn’t noticed I provided that site in the word “luck” as listed in the previous paragraph. The advantages to such a purchase is that you pay for someone else’s time. This frees your time to actually register for the sites and begin to make money.

The other possibility is that you can read the writings and ramblings of people (such as myself) and we will tell you which sites we like. You can simply click the links and register. Easy enough. Let’s get started with MY PICKS:

In Box Dollars

Treasure Trooper

Cash Lagoon


Send Earnings

These are my absolute favorite sites for surveys and paid email. There is always plenty of surveys available on these sites. Good Luck and Happy Hunting

Please remember that I still have to pay the Bills…

Friday, February 22, 2008

Make Money with Credit Cards

Today’s society almost demands that the average consumer have access to a credit card. Credit cards are essential to transact almost every type of business that is done around the world. Credit card use includes but is not limited to, internet transactions, vacation transactions, and is almost always a requirement when the consumer is completing a transaction via telephone. Credit cards also provide some physical safety as they do replace cash and can be “closed” immediately with a simple phone call in the event the card is lost or stolen.

This article is going to discuss making money with credit cards. There are numerous types of credit cards available to consumers today. Many of these cards offer introductory low interest rates, points (for prizes), and may be specialized (airline miles). There are also many credit cards that will offer cash back. This is when the credit card company will return money to you (the consumer) on purchases that you have made using their credit card. While this is a simple concept , in order to realize the full effect of the cash back the credit card balance should be paid in full during each billing period.

Lets look at a cash back credit card as being able to reduce the amount the consumer pays for goods and/or services. Credit card companies offer a wide range of cash back options and the consumer will have to research the companies and make the best possible decision for themselves. When the credit card is used and the consumer makes a purchase the credit card company holds back a previously declared portion of the purchase for return to the consumer. The smart consumer will make certain that the credit card does not accrue any interest charges. This is done by paying the balance in full. The held back cash is then returned to the consumer thereby decreasing the amount the consumer has paid for the goods or service.

The next type of credit card to discuss covers Airline Miles. I am addressing this type separately since this card would be marketed to a certain niche of consumers. This card provides Frequent Flyer Miles for the consumer to purchase and/or upgrade flights. The credit card company will list a ratio of dollars spent equals the number of free miles provided. The Airline will provide a listing detailing the number of miles required to obtain a ticket or an upgrade. This free or reduced price ticket can create substantial savings for the consumer. Please note that the savings can be negated by paying interest or late payment charges.

Last, and certainly not least, is the credit card that provides points that can be exchanged for various “items.” There is an almost endless list of consumer goods available. The items can range from gift cards to toasters. The goods represent a savings to the consumer.

The consumer should research and determine what type of credit card best suits their needs and lifestyle. Cash back, airline miles, and “points” are all excellent benefits for the consumer and an excellent marketing technique for the credit card company. The consumer of today should take full advantage of every possible opportunity, and this includes Making Money with Credit Cards.

Remeber that I still have to pay the bills. Check this site out...


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This Evening

This evening when I came home, my house had a wife, 2 kids, 1 cat, and 1 dog. You might think that there was chaos but there wasn't. Last night I had made a roast so we will be having vegetable soup for dinner(at least her Royal Majesty Holly Bear won't be begging). This is the time of year when I love vegetable soup. The aroma fills the house and just plain makes me hungry.

Last night I spoke with my sister. She has started to follow the on line business plan that I have working and I hope will soon start bringing in the cash. I look forward to her call tonight. Should any of you be interested in what I am doing, then just look around the blog and you will see several links. Try them, I am sure there is something for everyone.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Last night, while fixing dinner, I observed that I was the most popular person in the house. Sitting in the floor, intently watching my every move was Holly Bear. Of course, whatever she does Jake Dog is not very far away (he is afraid I will toss the cat a nibble and he won't get any). Holly Bear was very quiet the entire time I was cooking. I was cooking Trout that my friend Shawn had brought over. I am capable of catching my own Trout, but he had gone fishing with his son and they don't normally eat Trout. I usually prepare mine with Almonds, butter, and some lemon slices. Serve it with steamed rice and a soft (sweet) lettuce salad. Normally with a home made vinagrette dressing. Roll the Trout in a little flour, add salt and pepper, then place on a hot griddle or into a pan. I prefer the griddle.

Anyway, back to Holly Bear. She (Her Royal Majesty) waited until I was plating dinner, and stood up on her hind legs and begged. As cat people we know that cats can't stand like some dogs, but it was a very good effort. There are several people (that know me and Holly Bear) that will be completely astonished at this.
Travis close your mouth its not becoming.

Well,now its time to pay the bills. I have found several on line sites, free of course, that will pay money to you for reading emails and taking surveys. I try to check them out before I post them here. The ones I am listing will pay you money. I have received the checks and cashed them. Do me a favor and have a look.

The first one is mostly emails with a survey available every day. I turn about $30.00 per month.

The second one is cartoon themed but I have realized $20.00 per month with very little effort.

Thanks for the look and remember that I still have to pay the bills...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


My mailbox overflows with people wanting to give me free stuff. There are so many sites that just want to send me free stuff that I can hardly understnad how the economy functions. There is so much free stuff that I start to think about the "real cost."

The real cost, to me, is the loss of my privacy. Should I opt in for an offer the site has access to my name and my email address. I try to make sure that I only opt in with reputable companies that will protect my information and not sell it to anyone else, otherwise my personal information becomes a sellable item. The site makes money selling my address (both off line and on) then sends me a cheaply made mouse pad. There are lots of "things" you can get for free. Toys, candy, catalogs, t-shirts.... the list goes on and on.

There are sites across the internet that claim to have that claim to have the "best" free stuff listing's ever. An individual would have to decide for themselves which is best, because not everyone wants a free mouse pad or even a t-shirt.

Then there are the survey sites. They will all sign you up for free. The problem is seperating the wheat from the chaff. Which survey sights actually pay and which sites have real surveys. The answer to those questions can be found by researching on the internet. You can spend your time looking thru search after search and sifting the better sites out, or you can pay someone else to do that.

I am referring to those sites where you can purchase the list of "free" survey sites. Purchase the list,sign up, complete the surveys, and get paid.

My thoughts on the whole matter is that it is up to the individual if they want free survey's, free credit card applications, or free anything. The best way to find the free stuff is research, research, and research.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mystery Shopping for Mad Money

During the past two years I have been doing some work as a Mystery Shopper. I have shopped for Mad Money , or just for extra spending money. I have found that the money comes in very handy for someone on a tight budget. Besides, the work isn’t difficult or even too detailed. Sometimes the work is just fun. The fact that you can go out and eat (on the companies dime) or buy a new sweater and not have to pay for it is just good.
Now, I didn’t just decide that I was going to a fast food establishment and tell them I would give a report in exchange for food and a little cash consideration. I started with Research. I used the Internet Search Engines, I read articles, and I got no where really fast. During this start up phase, I was not an expert. I really wanted to have the free food, clothes, and extra money everyone talked about Mystery Shoppers getting for their efforts.
What did I do to resolve this problem? I went to the experts. There are many sites out there that will sell you a list of companies that schedule Mystery Shops for a wide range of companies. These sites will tell you about qualifications and certifications. They will provide you with access to workshops that help you maintain the skills needed to be a successful Mystery Shopper. I suggest that you use those sites, spend the money, and use the time you saved to make money as a Mystery Shopper.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Looking Thru Blogs

This morning I spent part of the morning looking thru blogs. I read about business, business, and let me see...more business. Wanna know whats funny? Seems like these business Bloggers are all Millionaires and don't ever have to go to a job again. Want my take on that? ....Can't use that language here, but I think they are wrong.

First, Many of them aren't selling a product. Seems like it's the same old tired reproduce the web site and sell the idea at a 150% markup.

Second, Why are they marketing to me? Seems as if the businesses I looked at were just trying to get me to market my website(blog) on every free/paid site on the net. Oh yeah, and while I am there I should also check out....

Third, I wanna sell something. Yes, I know that a couple of the items listed are reproduce the website and sell it for a mark up. It's worth a try. Most of the items that travel thru this Blog though are real, or an actual service. Look at:

I realize that you can get all of those sites yourself, IF YOU WANT TO USE YOUR TIME. I sell the convenience and you keep your time. Sounds like a fair trade, to me.

That being said it is time to say...last night my stepdaughter (and I only say that so those that know me will know which daughter I am talking about) had her first, made it thru the night at someone else's house, sleepover. First try, first win. congrats.

As always please remember that I have to pay the bills, click a link

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Next Spades Game

Well, Tonight Adam, Stephanie, and their new baby came over for a game of Spades. Adam and Stephanie, pretended to not know how to play. They almost got the wife and I to believe it. The score was close and there was finally a lucky run of cards before the Winner was crowned. The wife and I won by a narrow margin. Jake Dog and Holly Bear did sniff the new baby a bunch, but the baby didn't seem to mind. Jake Dog and Holly Bear haven't seen a small baby since my little girl was very little. Adam and I discussed a fishing trip for the summer. I am sure that adventure will make this Blog. Anyway, it was a good evening. Please remember that I have to pay the bills, click a link.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just Business Today

Today, is just about business. I have been working on my marketing plan and developing the products that I want to be associated with. There are tons of "things" out there for sale, and many of thm hold no interest for me. I am not going to do MLM or even buy a website and reproduce it for sale. I want to sell real products and services on the internet. Many people say that it won't be profitable, but I don't really care. I have had my ass handed to me before. Speaking of getting your ass handed to you... our friends Adam and Stephanied are supposed to come over tommorrow night for a BUTT WHIPPING in spades. This all depends on the weather and their baby. Stephanie should read this tonight and I am sure will say something to me at work in the morning. Anyway , please remember that I have to pay the a link and maybe even buy something.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Last night,two friends (Martin and Allison) came over for their next BUTT KICKING in our usual spades game. The alcohol flowed freely and the burgers were cooked good enough to eat. The cards just weren't going as well as they could have for my wife and I. There were several times when Martin and Allison actually had the lead, but due to some superior card playing skills, my Wife and I prevailed. Once again, posted on the refrigerator for all the world to see, is the final score card showing Martin and Allison as losing the game.

On a different note Martin's unit has been activated and is preparing to ship out to Afghanistan. I don't know when he leaves and I don't know when he will return. I wish him the best of luck and hope for his safe return. Please, would everyone send out good thoughts for our comrades actively serving in the Military.

As always, I still have to pay the bills, please click on the links, and maybe even buy something.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Today the CAT

Well, Today the CAT (her majesty and most royal highness HOLLY BEAR) was on quite a roll. She drank her cream, ate her pouch of food, and bit the Dog (JAKE DOG). Then Holly Bear decided that she needed to serenade the house. The entire family put up with her Siamese squalling for quite a while. I am definitley glad that cats sleep a lot. She is now comfortably asleep. My wife did ask me if I had her spoiled and I replied,"No honey, Cats are supposed to smell that way."

Thanks for reading and remember that I have to pay the bills also. Check a link