Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Things your neighbors don't want you to know

Well anyway, there I was watching the new neighbors move in. The man was well kept and clean. The wife appeared disheveled and was absolutely frazzled. There were several small children running about in the chaos and clutter of the move. The neighbor to my left called and started asking if I knew anything about the "new" neighbors. I said that I didn't. Visions of spousal abuse and child molestation began to jump around in my mind. Then I had an idea. I went to the internet and began to look for any information site that could help me find if these were good people or not. I searched high and low and found this to be the absolute best site.

I think I might just have to check out the neighbor to the left and see what happens...

Just in case your interested, my neighbor across the street works for the Veterans Administration and has never been in trouble day in his life. I didn't check for divorce records though....

1 comment:

Holly said...

I used this site to check out my sister's boyfriend and sadly, found out that he's clean as a whistle. I could have sworn he was a serial killer...Anyway, this was really easy to use and had everything I needed to know. I'd recommend it.